The Database contains information on all the Spectrobes. Access the
Database to analyze your Spectrobes and learn more about them,
including their requirements for evolution and their battle techniques.
Collecting badges is the new fad in the Nanairo system, so don’t miss
the Badge Shop on Kollin
• Therearetwotypesofbadges:CharacterandSpectrobe
• Toequipabadge,gototheLabandtouchBadges.Choosea
badge from the list of badges you own and drag it to the
Equip incon.
• YourbadgewillbedisplayednexttoyourusernameinWireless
and Wi-Fi Battles.
Card Input Machine
Use this machine to unlock Spectrobes, Custom Parts and special items
using your collectible Code Input Cards.
Cube Machine
Cubes are glimmering objects that contain the secrets of the
• DragacubetotheAnalyzeiconatthetopoftheTouch Screen.
• TouchtheNexticontoscrollthroughthetextthatisdisplayedon
the top screen.
Emblem Machine
Emblems represent your accomplishments! After starting the Emblem
machine from the ship’s Cargo Room, you can touch each emblem to learn
the requirements for receiving it. Some will unlock as you progress through
your adventure, while others are based on battle, excavation and collecting
Spectrobes. There are 50 in total, and only a true Spectrobe Master can
collect them all!