TeraStation User Manual 123
System - Settings
Click [Modify Settings]
to change settings.
TeraStation Name Enter a name to identify the TeraStation on the network.
* You can enter up to 15 bytes(UTF-8). Do not use multi-byte characters.
* Alphanumeric characters, -(hyphen), and _(underscore) may be used.
* Do not use a symbol as the rst character.
Description Enter a description of the Terastation (optional) to describe it on the network.
* You can enter up to 75 bytes(UTF-8).
* Alphanumeric characters, multi-byte characters, -(hyphen), _(underscore), and
spaces may be used.
* Do not use space as the rst character.
* Only Windows computers display the description.
Date and Time
Click [Modify Settings]
to change settings.
Date/Time Source Select [Automatic] to use NTP to adjust the TeraStation’s time automatically.
Select [Manual] to set the time manually.
Primary NTP IP
Enter the DNS name or IP address of the NTP server.
Example: ntp.jst.mfeed.ad.jp or
To specify ntp.jst.mfeed.ad.jp as the NTP server, check [Use default NTP server].
Select how often to access the NTP server and correct the time from [Daily],
[Weekly], or [Every 3 hours].
*If you access the NTP server through a proxy server, access may fail in some
Time Zone Specify the time zone.
Date Displays year, month and date. Enter numbers to change these values.
Time Displays time. Enter numbers to change the time.
* To match the time to your PC, click [Use Local Date/Time].
* If the TeraStation’s internal clock settings are more than 5 minutes dierent
from other devices on your network, you may experience access problems. For
best results, congure all devices on your network to correct their time settings
automatically from an NTP server.
Click [Modify Settings]
to change settings.
Display Language Select the language to be displayed.
Windows Client
Select the language to be used in the Windows client.