2500 Hayliner
The Fixed Pick Up Arm requires the
operator to drive at 90° to the baling direction.
The bales are loaded “End On”. The bale is
loaded onto the carrier deck by depressing
and holding LH or RH LIFT ARM UP until the
bale rolls off the pickup arm and onto the
carrier beams.
The Bale Deflector attached to the fixed pick
up arm allows the bales to be picked up from
either “End On” or “Side On.” The deflector
rotates the bale 90° before it is lifted up onto
the carrier. Forward travel is used to rotate
the bale. Approach the bale so that the outer
end of the bale rides up on the bale deflector
as the loading arm moves under the bale.
To pickup bales that are placed “End On,”
drive so the inner arm of the loading fork is
against the inner edge the bale. The bale will
then be loaded onto the carrier in the same
direction as it was picked up. Continue to
load using fixed arm instrucitons.
The bale should be contacted about 12” (30 cm) from its outer end when
using the bale deflector. Contacting the bale further to the inside may result in damage
to the deflector, bale lift arm or bale.
The Rotating Pick Up Arm (RPU) loads
bales “side on”. The lift arm starts in the
lowered position. Drive forward until the forks
are positioned around the ends of the bale
with the inside stationary fork as close as
possible to the bale. Depress and hold LH or
RH LIFT ARM UP. The bale is then squeezed
on end until the pressure matches the
sequence valve setting that rotates and
raises the bale.
When the bale is raised above the beam
release by depressing LH or RH arm down.
This releases the bale and returns the RPU
to the ready state for the next bale. Refer to
the assembly instructions for adjusting RPU’s