
Heavy Duty Finishing Mower
OUTER SPINDLES: remove the belt guard on the side required (#7 & #8). Loosen the
belts by first loosening the bolts holding the gearbox base plate (#2). Turn the 5/8” hex
nut (#3) on the threaded rod on the base plate until there is enough slack in the belt to
slip it off the spindle pulley. Remove the snap ring from the spindle shaft and pull off the
pulley. Remove the blade from the spindle. The mower will have to be raised off the
ground. Take off the four bolts holding on the spindle (#14). After replacing the spindle,
be sure that the bolt holding the blade is tightened to 180 ft-lbs. Use a torque wrench.
Re-tighten the belts so the center of the belt span will deflect about ½” with nominal
pressure. Do not forget to tighten the bolts on the gearbox mounting plate.
CENTER SPINDLE: The procedure is the same as for the outer spindles as described
above except for the following differences. Both belt guards (#7 & #8) must be
removed. After slacking off the belt as described remove the gearbox mounting plate
(#6) in one piece with the gearbox and large pulley. Remove the double pulley and
replace the spindle. When you replace the belts make sure they are lined up as shown
in the drawing. The upper grooves in the double pulleys go around the higher of the
single pulleys. The lower grooves of the double pulley line up with the lower single
Drawing on next page.