Focusing/Diopter Adjustment
As individual eyesight varies from one person to another, your binocular has an adjustable diopter feature
which allows you to fine-tune the binocular to your vision. To set the diopter and focus the binocular:
1. Adjust the hinge for your interpupillary distance as described in “Adjusting the Binocular IPD”.
2. Set the “diopter adjustment” to zero (Fig. 3).
3. Keep both eyes open at all times.
4. Using a lens cover or your hand, cover the objective (front) lens of the right side of the binocular.
5. Using the center focus wheel, focus on a distant object with fine detail (e.g., brick wall, tree
branches, etc.) until it appears as sharp as possible through the left side of the binocular.
6. Uncover the objective lens on the right side, cover the left objective lens, then view the same
7. Turn the “diopter setting” adjustment ring, until the object is sharp for
your right eye. Caution should be used as over turning or forcing the
diopter eyepiece may damage the binocular.
8. Your binocular should now be adjusted for your eyesight. Focus at any
far or near distances can now be attained simply by turning the center
focus wheel. Make a note of your diopter setting for reference.
Fig. 3