Parameter Settings
Quality Fine, Standard,
Sets the amount of .jpg le compression, which aects the quality of the photo and the size
of the le it creates. This can be used independently of Size to store more photos (with lower
quality) if you choose. “Fine” produces the highest quality, but also generates larger les that ll
available card memory quicker.
Scene Mode Auto, Sport, Night,
Portrait, Landscape,
Leave on default “Auto” (auto exposure) for general purpose photos. “Sport” preset selects
faster shutter speeds to help stop motion blur. “Night” preset selects slower shutter speeds to
gather more light (use tripod). “Portrait” preset opens lens aperture to help blur background.
“Landscape” preset closes lens aperture to help sharpen background. “Backlight” preset adds
overexposure to avoid dark subject in center.
EV +2.0~-2.0 in 0.5 EV
steps, default=0
Provides manual under/over exposure adjustment . Minus values produce darker photos, plus
values lighter. When the background is very bright (for example, snow in winter scenes), you
may need to add some “+” EV to prevent underexposure.
White Balance Auto, Daylight, Cloudy,
Tungsten, Fluorescent
Sets the reference for neutral white, so that colors are reproduced correctly. If “Auto” does not
provide good results (colors appear too orange or blue), try the setting that matches the light