
Bushnell has also incorporated its Rack
Bracket Technology into this new reticle
design so that the crossbow hunter may
better field judge the whitetail or mule
deer they are chasing. On the main cross
hair, there are two small hash marks-the
distance between them represents 17 inches
at 20 yards. The distance between the thick
subtensions on the main crosshair represent
24 inches at 20 yards. At the 50-yard aim-
ing point we have again included our Rack
Bracket, with hash marks representing 17
inches, and the overall length representing
24 inches.
20- Yard Zero w/Rack Bracket
30-Yard Aiming Point
50-Yard Aiming Point
w/Rack Bracket
40-Yard Aiming Point
60-Yard Aiming Point