Cool Down
After your workout, a soak in your Fit-
ness spa will soothe your muscles and
prevent possible stiffness or soreness
the next day. The hydrotherapy seats
massage tired muscles and increase
blood circulation. Oxygen and nutri-
ents are delivered more quickly to
muscles, helping your body to recover
more quickly.
Treadmill Swimming
Fitness Pro models feature swim jets
that create a current strong enough for
even the seasoned athlete. The cur-
rent can also be adjusted to replicate
the experience of lap swimming. Al-
ternate between butterfly, backstroke,
breaststroke and freestyle for a full
body workout.
Toning & Sculpting
Get the benets of strength training
in a gym right in the comfort of your
own Fitness spa with Cal Flex toning
and sculpting equipment. Dene your
body and increase your endurance
with bicep curls, tricep extensions and
Water Yoga
Many classic yoga poses and stretches
have been modified for water exercise
programs. Water yoga is a low impact
version of traditional yoga and is ideal
for those recovering from injuries or
with physical limitations.