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32 DiggiDitto™ DC596—Smart Camera with Image Recognition
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DiggiDitto™ DC596—Smart Camera with Image Recognition 33
The Main Toolbar for the Teach tab includes the following icons.
Open: To open an already existing project to
add or delete links.
Print: For printing the image shown on the
recognized image.
Focus: For automatically refocusing when the
image is out of focus.
Stops and restarts recognition. The
dotted lines try to recognize the image to
already existing database data. Press the
F5 key does the same.
Enlarge: Zoom-in functionality (shortcut: “+”
Shrink: Zoom-out functionality (shortcut: “-“
Clockwise 90
Rotates the image 90 degrees to the right.
Pen: Can write onscreen as you would a
blackboard. Refer to Section 4.3 for
further information.
Full Screen: Maximizes the screen size to t the full
screen. The full screen image in the
Teach tab is different from the other two
(Make and Camera). The full screen for
the Teach tab enlarges the right screen
and omits the other two. The press of
the <Ctrl-Enter> will make the window
full screen. Press <Escape>key restore it
to the original size.