Rockville, Maryland
Califone Always
Advocates for Safe
Listening Practices
Hearing loss can lead to numerous problems in
school, such as difculty with academic achievement
in language arts, vocabulary, arithmetic, and
problem solving. Califone believes part of its duty
includes helping educators inform their students
on how to responsibly use audio technology.
Hearing loss can be caused by many factors, but
one that has caught the attention of safe hearing
advocates (with the recent rise in popularity of
personal MP3 players) is Noise-Induced Hearing
Loss. This condition results from listening for too
long to audio that is amplied beyond decibel
levels considered safe. Every day, students put
their hearing at risk, often listening to audio above
85 decibels, which is the level hearing experts
recommend not to be exceeded for prolonged
periods. The American Speech Language Hearing
Association (ASHA) recently found that 40
percent of students reported they set their music
players’ volume too loud. All Califone headphones
and headsets incorporate ambient noise-reducing
earcups, which block external noise more effectively
than the ear bud design, eliminating the need
to raise the volume. Califone designed its
MP3 player
to meet the ASHA recommended
decibel level — the only manufacturer to do so
— through its innovative Sentinel
The company’s goal in creating the MP3 Player is
to provide educators with an accessible technology
that enhances instruction and prepares students
for the 21st century. Students are increasingly
comfortable with the technology of personal audio
players, and Califone wants to ensure its MP3
player and headphones continue to set the education
industry standard for technical innovation and
student safety. To learn how to prevent Noise-
Induced Hearing Loss & about ASHA’s safe hearing
campaign, visit
Case Study: 8100 MP3
Media Players
8101 MP3 Player/Recorder
Your Students Can Become Podcasters!
What would you say to a new MP3 player that has all the standard features you expect
combined with several classroom specic elements and the rugged, classroom-ready construction
and hearing safety protection you expect from Califone? Protecting students from dangerous
hearing loss is important to us, so we are proud to announce the Califone model has
been designed as the rst MP3 player/recorder with its playback volume not to exceed
the 85dB recommendation of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association.
Our MP3 player comes with a built-in microphone, enabling student-created podcasting.
Podcasting meets technology standards in many states giving students a new technology
outlet to collaborate, publish, and communicate their ideas and projects. Students will have fun
creating vocal recordings that can then be used to track their language and reading progress
over time. The MP3 player is also ideal for nurturing language learning, working with below-
grade readers and listening to recorded books and music. Teachers are actively nding
additional uses for MP3 players inside and outside the classroom.
Our 8100 is particularly helpful with special-needs students and with ELL/ELD students
as it provides a personal and portable way to fast-track language acquisition or other
necessary learning. An LCD screen displays the current track status, track number, total
tracks, and track time allowing both instructors and students to stay on task. And
with an eye to stretching your technology dollars, our MP3 player connects to
two headphones at one time so that students can partner with peers or parents for
listening or recording projects. Another prominent safety feature is in its accompanying
headphone, whose ambient noise-reducing earcups reduce distracting noise, therefore
lessening the need to increase the volume. Not only does its mini USB connection
allow quick transfers of digital les to and from a computer, the MP3 player
automatically recharges the internal battery in 5 hours while it is connected
to the computer.
8101 $156 (with one headphone)
810 0 $137 (MP3 player only)
Download individual product specification sheets at califone.com/specs
Media Players | Multimedia
Go to califone.com to see media player comparison charts
Got questions? Call us toll free 800.722.0500 or 818.407.2400
Built-in microphone
and dual
headphone jacks
Four-Person MP3
Learning Center
on page 33
shown with additional headphone