
Incognito multi-room 13
Linking UUnits
For large installations which require more than four main zones and
four sub-zones, an AH10
linking’ facility is provided. Units are linked
via a Cat-5e patch cable to the ‘Hub Link’ in and out sockets on the
top right hand corner of each AH10.
In order to share audio input sources with the first AH10, the second
may be joined using Incognito CK10 audio couplers (see diagram).
These double-ended phono plugs simply connect the ‘Loop out’
sockets of the first AH10, to the ‘Audio input’ sockets of the second,
allowing both to access the same sources and distribute them to all
available zones.
Up to four AH10s may be linked together in this way, providing audio
for a maximum of 16 main zones for the AH10, or 16 main zones
and 16 sub-zones for the AH10.
VH10 LLinking
Should video also be required in more than the four main zones and four
sub-zones provided by the VH10, then these units may also be linked.
Each VH10 must be connected to a corresponding AH10 via the Cat-5e
patch cable, in order to provide power and switching commands.
Video input sources may then be shared between both VH10 units
by using Incognito CK10 couplers (See diagram). These double-
ended phono plugs simply connect the ‘Loop out’ sockets of the first
VH10 to the ‘Video input’ sockets of the second, allowing both to
access the same sources and distribute them to all available zones.
Up to four VH10s may be linked together with the corresponding
four AH10s in this way, providing video for a maximum of 16 main
zones for the AH10.
Connections bbetween AAH10 aand VVH10 tto aallow eeight mmain zzones aand eeight
Cat-5 patch cable
Cat-5 patch cable
Incognito multi-room