Campbell Scientific CS512 Oxyguard Type III Dissolved Oxygen Probe
7. Programming
In the CR510, CR10X, and CR23X datalogger, Instruction P1 or P2 can be used.
Example 1 uses a single-ended measurement for the CS512 probe; example 2 uses
a differential measurement. The example measurement instructions that follow do
not store data to final storage. Additional instructions (typically P92, P77, and
output processing instructions such as P70) are required to store data permanently.
EXAMPLE 1. Sample Program using P1
1: Volt (SE) (P1)
1: 1 Reps
2: 24 250 mV 60 Hz Rejection Range ; code 23 used for CR23X
3: 1 SE Channel
4: 1 Loc [ DOmV ]
5: 1.0 Multiplier *See Calibration*
6: 0.0 Offset
EXAMPLE 2. Sample Program using P2
1: Volt (Diff) (P2)
1: 1 Reps
2: 24 250 mV 60 Hz Rejection Range ; code 23 used for CR23X
3: 1 DIFF Channel
4: 1 Loc [ DOmV ]
5: 1.0 Multiplier *See Calibration*
6: 0.0 Offset
In the CR1000, CR800, CR850, and CR3000 dataloggers, instruction VoltDiff
or VoltSE is used to measure the CS512 probe.
EXAMPLE 3. Sample Program using VoltSE
VoltSE (DOmV,1,mV250,1,1,0,_60Hz,1.0,0)
EXAMPLE 4. Sample Program using VoltDiff
VoltDiff (DOmV,1,mV250,1,True ,0,_60Hz,1.0,0)
In the CR200 series dataloggers, only the instruction VoltSE is used to
measure the CS512 probe.
EXAMPLE 5. Sample Program using VoltSE.
VoltSE (DOmV,1,1,1.0,0)