Appendix C. RF400 Series Address and Address Mask
four bits are not compared, any remote RF400 with Radio Address of 0 to 1111
(decimal 0 to 15) will be received by the base station.
This allows multiple remotes in a network to be received by the base without
changing the base Radio Address (the remotes cannot receive the base,
Auto-Sense pre-configures as many settings as possible (including the address
mask). If you have an RF400 connected to a PC’s RS-232 port and a remote
RF400 connected to a datalogger’s CS I/O port, Auto-Sense will configure the
remote’s address mask to (3fh, 3ffh) so that it will only receive a 16-bit address
match (Network and Radio), but the base’s address mask to (3fh, 0h) so it will
receive any packet that has the same Network Address (and hopping sequence)
regardless of Radio Address.
Combined Network/ Radio Addresses
If programming PC208W for Point-to-Multipoint networks, the Generic Dial
Strings require the combined 16-bit addresses of the RF400s to be called. The
RF400 Setup Menu (in Standard Setup, Radio Address) calculates and displays
the combined network and radio address when you enter the network and radio
address values. Following are some examples.
0 0 0000
0 1 0001
0 2 0002
0 3 0003
0 4 0004
0 5 0005
0 6 0006
0 7 0007
0 8 0008
0 9 0009
0 10 000A
0 11 000B
0 12 000C
0 13 000D
0 14 000E
0 15 000F
0 16 0010
0 17 0011
0 18 0012
0 19 0013
0 20 0014
0 21 0015
0 22 0016
0 23 0017
0 24 0018
0 25 0019
0 26 000A
0 27 000B
0 28 000C