Protocol Settings
Using a NetWare Network (Windows)
❑ Press [Log In] ➞ in the Enter Network Password screen, enter the name and
password of a user to whom the browse right is granted.
If the browse right is limited to the specific user, it is necessary to log in to
NetWare as a user to whom the browse right is granted.
Enter a user name prefixed with 'CN='. If the password is not specified, leave
[Password] blank.
❑ Select the tree to which the desired print server belongs ➞ select the context to
which the desired print server belongs ➞ select the desired print server.
❑ For NDS PServer, specify each item on the screen for setting NDS PServer if
● Setting Bindery PServer or RPrinter in the Browse screen:
In the Browse screen, select the file server to which the desired print server
❑ In the Enter Network Password screen, enter the name and password of a user
on the file server.
If the password is not specified, leave [Password] blank.
❑ Select the desired print server.
❑ Specify each item on the screen for setting Bindery PServer if necessary.
● Setting NDS PServer or NPrinter using the keyboard on the touch
panel display:
In [Tree], enter the name of the tree to which the desired print server belongs ➞
in [Context], enter the name of the context to which the desired print server
belongs ➞ in [Print Server], enter the name of the desired print server.
❑ For NDS PServer, specify each of the other items if necessary.