In the UP or AUTO-UP mode the downrigger stops
periodically or the circuit breaker trips repeatedly.
• Low battery. The battery voltage at the power cord
is less than 11.5 volts (measure with a volt meter
while the downrigger is pulling up the weight).
• Power cable is too long or too small in diameter.
• Do not overload the downrigger. It is designed to lift
up to 20 lb. weights only.
Unit does not turn on.
• Check polarity on power cable.
• Check Circuit breaker (s)
Unit does not count the depth correctly.
Reel no longer has 250 ft of cable. If your reel has
more or less than 250 ft of cable this can affect the ac-
curacy of the counter.
Clutch slips
• Retighten clutch knob. Clutch knob should be
just tight enough that the clutch does not slip
when downrigger is in normal use. Do not use
tools of any kind to tighten the clutch, hand
tightening should always be sufficient.
• Check clutch disc condition by removing side
cover and spool. Replace if necessary.
The Magnum fails to continue running after toggle
switch is pushed up and held momentarily, while
cable is still in water, or is having problems with the
PIC voltage.
Make sure your boat is properly grounded. A boat
that is properly grounded has an electrical path from
the negative battery terminal to all metal parts on
the boat that contact water. Additionally, in saltwater
the boat must be have a proper sacrificial zinc an-
ode and show a natural electrolysis voltage of 0.7 to
0.9 volts. The voltage supply to your downrigger
must also be bonded to the boat.