Thank you for having selected the AQUATICA Pro Digital Camera Housing System for your underwater photography.
The AQUATICA Pro Digital Housing is the result of a long and continuing relationship with the most demanding underwa-
ter photographers in the world. Each housing is handcrafted, quality checked and pressure tested to a 300 feet equivalent
by a small group of specially trained individuals, each of whom takes the utmost pride and satisfaction in offering the best
underwater camera housing in the world.
The Aquatica Pro Digital Housing was designed for optimum technical and optical performance and to provide easy and
efcient underwater access to essantials functions and controls of the Canon 5D Mk II DSLR.
This manual assumes that the User is already familiar with the Canon 5D Mk II camera. If not, please read the Canon
instruction manual before attempting to use the housing.
With basic care and maintenance, your AQUATICA housing will give you a lifetime of enjoyment and satisfaction in pro-
ducing underwater images.
Please read this manual carefully before using your housing for the rst time and note that: wherever cited the right hand
is your right when using the housing.
Improper transportation handling or use of this housing might cause a ood or malfunction.
Please read and follow the following precautions:
• Store and transport the housing in a sturdy, shock proof container and avoid travelling with the camera mounted inside
the housing as impact forces especially on the external push buttons will be transferred to the camera.
• When travelling by air, either remove the port or open the housing.
• Never change a port or open the housing in a location where sand or similar foreign material might come in contact with
an O-ring.
• Use of accessories or modications and alterations unauthorized by the manufacturer may result in ooding or poor
functioning of the controls.
• Be careful when opening the housing as the pressure buildup inside the housing will exaggerate the force of the latch
spring. Keep ngers away from the path of the latches.
• Whenever changing ports or O-rings, perform a simple seal test with out the camera inside.
• Avoid scratching the acrylic or glass ports and windows.
• Make sure that all ports remain properly attached before rinsing the housing, especially when rinsing without a strobe
make sure the Bulkhead connector is sealed with its plug.
• Never attempt to operate the camera in autofocus mode with the lens mounted focus gear engaged with the housing
• The main O-ring seals should be maiained and cleaned on a regular basis. Read and follow the Care and Maintenance
section on this manual.
• Ensure that the spring loaded secondary lock is properly engaged on the latches to prevent their accidental opening.
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