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Canon imageRUNNER 2020i
Buyers LaBoratory Lab TesT RepoRT
© 2006 Buyers Laboratory Inc. WARNING: This material is copyrighted by Buyers Laboratory Inc. and is the sole property of Buyers Laboratory. Duplication of this proprietary report or excerpts from this report, in any man-
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Canon imageRUNNER 2020i
Buyers LaBoratory Lab TesT RepoRT
Unlike most competitive models, the imageRUNNER 2020i offers automatic
duplexing as a standard feature.
In addition to the features that would be expected for a unit in this range,
the imageRUNNER 2020i offers 100 copy control codes, a choice of languages
for the control panel (English, French, Korean, Portuguese or Spanish) and the
ability to feed different size originals.
Walk-up and PC faxing are available as options. Fax features include a 33.6-
Kbps modem with JBIG compression, 500 autodial destinations (including 60
one-touch keys), broadcasting, timers, error-correction mode and the abil-
ity to serve as a transfer hub.
Unlike most Segment 1 models, the imageRUNNER 2020i offers nishing
options. They include an internal nisher that can top-corner staple up to
50 sheets (an optional nisher tray that provides an additional output tray is
also available) and an inner two-way tray, which was provided with the test
unit, that provides collation when stapling is not required.
The unit features Canon’s RAPID Fusing Technology, which according to the
company, helps speed warm-up times and signicantly helps reduce energy
With Department ID mode, administrators can control access to the
imageRUNNER 2020i by setting passwords and limits by function (print, copy,
scan) for individual users and departments.
The Canon imageRUNNER 2020i offers standard MAC ltering and IP address
ltering, which allows administrators to limit which users and which work-
stations can access the unit.
USB block can prohibit unauthorized access by blocking connections via the
USB port.
An administrator can enable or disable specic device protocols to minimize
unwanted communication.
Memory lock mode allows received faxes to be stored to memory, where
they can be viewed or printed.
An optional Braille kit, which improves access to copy and fax functions for
users with visual impairments, contains transparent Braille labels that afx
to each hard key on the control panel except for the numeric keys.
This report has been reproduced with the written permission of Buyers Laboratory Inc. Any duplication of this report, in whole or part, in any form or manner,
without the written permission of Buyers Laboratory, is unlawful and violators will be prosecuted. © 2006 Buyers Laboratory Inc. To purchase reprints,
contact BLI at (201) 488-0404 (x17) or at info@buyerslab.com.