
List of Error Messages
List of Error Messages
List of Error Codes without Messages
If a job or operation does not complete successfully, check the error code, and perform the
necessary operations according to the error code displayed. You can check the error code on
the Details screen under [Log] from the System Monitor screen. (See "Job Details," in the
Reference Guide.)
If a send or receive job does not complete successfully, the error code is printed in the Results
column on the Activity Report and Send Report. (See "Printing Communication Reports," in the
Sending Guide.)
Perform the necessary procedures according to the error code.
If a send job is cancelled, <STOP> is printed in the Results column on the Send report.
# 001
Cause Paper or originals are jammed.
Remedy Remove any jammed paper or originals. (See "Clearing Paper Jams," or "Feeder," in the
Reference Guide.)
# 009
Cause 1 There is no paper.
Remedy Load paper. (See "Paper Drawers," in the Reference Guide.)
Cause 2 The paper drawer is not inserted correctly into the machine.
Remedy Insert the paper drawer properly. (See "Paper Drawers," in the Reference Guide.)