Using the Machine Primarily for Phoning
Set the fax receive mode to <Manual>.
Switch to the Fax mode (→p.15).
Press [▲] or [▼] to highlight <RX Mode>, and then press [OK].
Press [▲] or [▼] to highlight <Manual>, and then press [OK].
When a Fax or Call Comes In
The machine continuously rings in Manual mode. Pick up the receiver of the external
telephone to answer the call. If the call is a fax, you will hear a beep. See “Receiving Faxes in
Manual Mode” below to receive faxes manually.
Receiving Faxes in Manual Mode
Follow the procedure below to receive faxes manually.
When an incoming call rings, pick up the telephone receiver.
If you hear a beep, press [▲] or [▼] to highlight <Start Receiving>, and
then press [OK].
If you do not hear a beep, start your conversation.
Hang up the receiver.
•When you pick up the telephone and get a fax signal, you do not need to
go to the machine to receive the fax. Just enter the remote RX ID number
(default setting: 25) with the telephone, and you can start receiving the fax.
• To change the remote RX ID, press [ ] <Fax Settings> <RX
Function Settings> <Remote RX> <On> specify the remote
RX ID number <Apply> [ ].