Error Code Table (Listed by Number)
CF-PL Facsimile Guide_USEN HT1-2188-000-V.1.0
Cause The other party’s fax machine does not support receiving a document with an
ITU-T subaddress.
Remedy Call the other party, and confirm whether their fax machine supports ITU-T
subaddress receiving. If their machine does not support ITU-T subaddress
receiving, try sending the document again without a subaddress.
Cause The other party’s fax machine does not support receiving a document with an
ITU-T password.
Remedy Call the other party, and confirm whether their fax machine supports ITU-T
password receiving. If the other party’s fax machine does not support ITU-T
password receiving, try sending the document again without a password.
Cause The other party’s fax machine does not accept a polling request with a
Remedy Call the other party, and confirm whether their fax machine accepts a polling
request with a subaddress. If the other party’s fax machine does not accept a
polling request with a subaddress, try sending the document again without a
Cause You cannot poll the other party to receive a document because a subaddress
and/or password does not match.
Remedy Call the other party and confirm that the subaddress and/or password that you
are using are correct.
Cause The other party sent out a polling request, but cannot receive a document with
an ITU-T password.
Remedy Call the other party, and confirm whether the other party’s fax machine supports
sending a polled document with an ITU-T password. Ask the other party to try
polling your machine again without an ITU-T password.