Name Description Settings
ECM RX Enable/disable error correction during reception. ON/OFF
FAX/TEL AUTO SW This feature is used to answer calls, and if no fax tone is
detected, the fax rings to alert you of an incoming call.
RING START TIME Set the duration that the fax listens for a fax tone before
starting to ring.
0 to 30 seconds
F/T RING TIME Set the length of time the fax will ring to alert you of an
incoming call.
10 to 60 seconds
DEFAULT ACTION Select the action taken after the F/T RING TIME expires. DISCONNECT/
INCOMING RING Set the fax to ring when it receives a call. ON/OFF
RING COUNT Set the number of incoming rings before the fax answers. 1 to 99 times
MAN/AUTO SWITCH Determine if the fax switches to document receive mode after
the fax rings for a specified time when the fax is in the manual
receive mode.
RING TIME Set the amount of time the fax will ring before switching to
document receive mode.
1 to 99 seconds
REMOTE RX Enable/disable remote receiving. ON/OFF
REMOTE RX ID If you set REMOTE RX to ON, you can select the remote
receiving ID.
00 to 99
MEMORY RX Turn on/off memory receiving of a document. ON/OFF
Name Description Settings
RX REDUCTION Enable/disable reduction for received documents. ON/OFF
FIXED REDUCTION Select the reduction rate. STANDARD/
REDUCE DIMENSION Select reduction in height only or both width and height. VERTICAL ONLY/
PAPER SIZE Select the size of the loaded fax paper. A4/LGL/LTR