
5-20 PC Faxing Chapter 5
Using a Group Address
When you specify a group address when sending a fax, the individual
addresses for the contained group are listed. If you specify more than one
group address for a fax, and each group contains the same individual
address, the duplicate address is removed. Separate fax jobs are created
for each recipient in the group.
Deleting an Address Book entry
You delete an Address Book entry when it is no longer needed.
To delete an entry, click the entry. Then click Delete. If prompted, confirm
that you want to delete the entry.
Printing the Address Book
If you want a hard copy of the Address Book, you can print it.
1. With the Address Book open, click Print.
2. In the Print dialog box, specify your print options and click OK.
The report provides a hard copy of the Address Book information
displayed in the Address Book dialog box.