7. Settings
Register the users.
Click [OK]. The users are now registered on the user account list.
7.8.2 Changing the user information
The information of registered users can be changed.
Click a user on the user account list, and then click [Change...].
The Change an account screen is displayed. Change User Name and/or Privilege, and click [OK].
Change an account screen
7.8.3 Deleting the user information
The information of registered users can be deleted.
Click a user on the user account list, and then click [Delete].
A Warning screen is displayed, “User will be deleted.” message is displayed. Click [OK] to delete the
user information.
7.8.4 Resetting the password
The passwords of registered users can be changed.
Click a user on the user account list, and then click [Reset a password...].
The Reset a password screen is displayed. Input the password both into New Password and New
Password(confirm), and click [OK].
Reset a password screen
Concerning the user names
The user names are saved as DICOM information (Operator’s Name) on the images. Depending on
the settings (see page 97), a user name may also be saved as the Performed Physician’s Name.