Flash Photography
Flash Photography with the EOS-Dedicated 550EX Speedlite
FE Lock
The procedure for setting FE lock is the same as with the built-in flash (→90). FE lock works in
both the normal flash and high-speed sync (FP flash) modes.
Flash Exposure Compensation
For flash pictures with flash exposure compensation, see “Flash Exposure Compensation” for
the built-in flash. (→91)
Modeling Flash
Modeling flash allows you to see shadows, light balance, and other effects produced by multi-
light settings.
Check that the camera and
Speedlite are properly set for flash
Press the camera’s depth-of-field
preview button.
● The Speedlite fires at 70Hz for approxi-
mately one second.
Wireless Multi-Flash/E-TTL Autoflash Shooting
The 550EX Speedlite can be operated as a slave light from a master (550EX or ST-E2) for
easy wireless multi-flash/E-TTL autoflash photography. The slave 550EX is placed to supple-
ment the master flash, which provides the primary flash for the subject.
● This is a Type-A camera. For details, refer to the instractions for your master Speedlite.
Macro Ring Lite MR-14EX and Macro Twin Lite MT-24EX can also be used as the
master unit, and Speedlite 420EX can also be used as a slave unit.