
Camera Settings and
Creative Auto Mode
The 35-zone metering system, exposure controls, and white balance settings on the EOS 50D
and EOS 5D Mark II are similar to those found on their predecessors. Data displays and
menus vary depending on the model. On the EOS 5D Mark II, menu items are now accessed
via top-of-the-screen tabs instead of by scrolling down, which is a major improvement over
the EOS 5D, now possible becasue of the sharper LCD.
In each of the two camera, turning the Main Mode dial to the Creative Auto (CA) position
accesses a new CA mode. For the inexperienced digital SLR user, CA mode is a tool that still
provides full automatic operation, similar to the traditional “green zone”. But it lets users
change a variety of settings to get a desired look in their pictures—without requiring extensive
photographic knowledge to do so.
There are slight variations between the two models, but in each case the CA default setting is
the same as the camera’s Full Auto mode. When activated, the CA mode enables you to
adjust frequently used functions using a multi-position slider on the screen. Navigation from
one item to another is done with the camera’s rear 8-way multi-controller, and once you’re at
a certain setting, you adjust it by turning either of the camera’s input dials. All of these can be
accessed from one screen for a more direct, intuitive approach designed to appeal to novice
users or to advanced photographers in a hurry.
CA settings on the EOS 5D Mark II include Background (from blurred to sharp), Exposure
(from Darker to Brighter), Picture Style (Standard, Portrait, Landscape, and Monochrome),
Recording Quality (pressing the SET button also brings up this screen), and Drive Mode
(Single, Continuous, and 10-sec timer).
The CA mode settings on the EOS 50D include the Flash Mode (auto, on and off),
Background (from blurred to sharp), Exposure compensation (Darker to Brighter), Picture
Style settings (Standard, Smooth Skin Tones, Vivid blues and greens and Monochrome),
Image-recording quality (all RAW, JPEG, and RAW+JPEG settings) and Drive mode
(Single, Low-speed continuous, and self timer).
Setting screen Shooting screen
Creative Auto setting
method: Turn the Mode Dial
to [CA] (Creative Auto). The
setting screen will then
appear on the LCD monitor.
Press the Multi-controller,
then use it to select the
function. Turn the Main Dial
or Quick Control Dial to
select the desired setting.
Creative Auto Settings