water clarity and artificial light sources.
SharpEye Macro Lens M46 (#5127): Perfect for shooting close-up images of fish, corals, textures and
more. This macro lens magnifies the subject and enables the camera to focus on short distances for
creating super sharp images.
RedEye Color Correction Filter M46 (#5178): Used to restore the red color absorbed by the water. In
shallow depths, these filters can serve as an attractive alternative to artificial light sources.
For more information on these items, see your local photo dealer or visit our website at www.fantasea.com
Fantasea offers a variety of sets for Fantasea and other housings. These sets are made up of quality
accessory products which will enhance and improve your underwater images. Accessory products include
external flash systems, flexible arms, trays, filters, wide angle lenses, fiber optic cables, bags and more.
Below you can see one sample system. For more information please refer to our website or to the Fantasea
Dealer where you purchased your housing.