S T E P 1
Operating Procedures
Verify that the scanner is attached to your computer properly.
Start Canon Photo or Photoshop.
Select Plug-in Module CS-U from within Canon Photo or Photoshop.
The Plug-in Module CS-U control panel will appear.
Plug-in Module CS-U cannot be operated as a stand-alone program. Always
start it from within an application program, such as Canon Photo
or Adobe Photoshop.
<Canon Photo>
1. Select [Get from Scanner], and then
select CanoScan FB630U/FB636U.
2. Click [Get Pictures Now].
Then, in the Get Pictures dialog box,
click [Open Them].
The version of Plug-in Module CS-U
shipped with your package may differ
from that pictured above.
<Adobe Photoshop>
1. Choose the [File] menu, [Import] and
[CanonPI CS-U 3.3.0].
*Plug-inModuleCS-U3.3/1-70 8/10/99, 6:30 AM14