72 Video
Video Snapshot
Record a series of short scenes. Then, play back your video snapshot
scenes set to your favorite music (A 82) to create your own fun music
video. You will be surprised how by changing the background music,
you can give your scenes an entirely new feel.
The default length of a video snapshot scene is 4 seconds but you can
change it to 2 or 8 seconds, or to the length recommended for the
selected story scene (category) in Story Creator, with the r >
[Video Snapshot Length] setting.
Operating modes:
1Press V.
• A blue border appears on the
• Press V again to
return to normal video
recording mode.
2Press Y.
• The camcorder records for a
few seconds (the blue frame
serves as a visual progress bar)
and then automatically returns
to record pause mode.
• When the camcorder stops recording, the screen will momentarily
turn black as if a camera shutter had released.
• Changing the camcorder to playback mode will deactivate the video
snapshot mode.