Appendix A Specifications A-7
When you use the MultiPASS 1000 as a normal printer, each signal
is defined as follows:
When the MultiPASS 1000 receives the STROBE low pulse with a
width greater than 1 µs from the computer, it reads the data from
the interface and sets the BUSY line high.
These signals are the 8 bits of parallel data sent from the computer.
A high level indicates a logical 1; a low level indicates a logical 0.
The MultiPASS 1000 reads the DATA lines when it receives a
STROBE pulse.
The ACKNLG pulse tells the computer that the MultiPASS 1000
has read the data from the previous STROBE pulse. An ACKNLG
pulse is also generated when the MultiPASS 1000 is powered on or
at the completion of the MultiPASS 1000 initialization by an INIT
signal requested from the computer.
When the MultiPASS 1000 sets BUSY high it cannot receive data.
The BUSY line goes high in response to a STROBE pulse. This line
remains high until the data is read. BUSY is also high under the
following conditions:
❏ The receive buffer is full of data.
❏ The MultiPASS 1000 receives an INIT signal.
❏ You press the ON LINE button to set the MultiPASS 1000
printer off-line.
❏ An error condition, such as out-of-paper, occurs.
The MultiPASS 1000 sets PAPER END high when it is out of paper
or when a paper jam occurs. PAPER END remains high until you
load paper and press the ON LINE button.
When the MultiPASS 1000 is ready, it sets the SELECT line high.
The SELECT line goes low when:
❏ You press the ON LINE button to set the MultiPASS 1000
printer off-line.
❏ An error condition, such as out-of-paper, occurs.
❏ The MultiPASS 1000 receives the Printer Deselect command. It
ignores all incoming data except DC1, which returns it to a
selected state.