When the tab is accessed from an ISIS compatible application,
[Reverse image] is not displayed.
[Others] Tab
Set the operation of the scanner for scanning.
Basic Scanning Condition Settings
This section provides an overview of the basic setting items that are
the minimum requirements when configuring the scanner settings.
Confirming Basic Conditions for
When you scan a document, make sure you confirm the [Mode], [Page
Size], [Dots per inch], and [Scanning Side] basic conditions in the
Basic settings dialog box.
Select the scanning mode.
• [Advanced Text Enhancement II] removes or processes the
background color and background surrounding text to enhance the
text for easy reading.
• [Auto Color Detection] saves color images for color documents, and
black and white images for black and white documents.
Page size
Select the paper size in accordance with the document to be scanned.
If [Auto-detection] is selected, the edges of the document are detected
and images that match the size of the document are saved.