Troubleshooting (cont’d)
Why is my exposure bouncing around?
If you are in Shutter Priority mode (Tv) and the ambient light levels are changing dramatically shot to shot,
it is possible for the camera and ash to mis-communicate. The camera may have shifted values before
the radio had time to transmit them. Try another mode or make sure to remain half-pressed on the shutter
release longer after a dramatic light change.
Why does my flash say TTL and not E-TTL?
This can occur if you make ash connections with the ash turned on as you slide it onto MiniTT1 or
FlexTT5 or if some other communication error occurs. Make sure all equipment is turned off before
making connections. Turn everything off and back again.
Why won’t my camera go above 1/200 shutter speed?
If you have a ash in the shoe of the MiniTT1 or FlexTT5 on the camera, make sure it is set to High Speed
Sync (FP Flash) per your ash instructions.
If you have a powered off MiniTT1 in the shoe, either turn it back on and select C.2 (make sure no one is
using this channel!) or remove the unit from the shoe.
What Canon features are not available through the ControlTL system at this time?
Rear Curtain Sync, FEB, stroboscopic, adjusting ash settings via the camera’s menus, individual
manual control of slave groups without using Canon’s ratio system, FEC set on the ash, and other
features not expressly mentioned. These features may be implemented soon so be sure to check
www.PocketWizard.com for future rmware updates.