- Turn off the camcorder and access point (wireless router).
After a short while, turn them on again and perform the Wi-Fi
network setup again. If the problem persists contact a
Canon Service Center.
List of Messages for Web Services
Camera Web Link is not set up
- An error occurred when transferring data with the CANON
iMAGE GATEWAY server. Check the CANON iMAGE
GATEWAY settings and try setting Camera Web Link again.
Check network settings
- An error occurred during authentication with the CANON
iMAGE GATEWAY server. Make sure the date and time set in
the camcorder are correct.
Insufficient space on server
- You have exceeded the amount of data you can save on the
CANON iMAGE GATEWAY server. Delete some data to free
some space.
Movie must be less than X min.
- You attempted to send a movie whose length exceeds the
maximum length allowed by the Web service (the maximum
length differs according to the Web service). Shorten the
movie and try sending it again.