Detail Settings
Accessing the Settings Title Page
Use the browser to access
http://"IP address"/"path".
Use the IP address specified in "Initializing the VB150" (→ P.28). If this is the first time
you have accessed the VB150, enter “admin”, which is the default setting for “path”, in
the “path” field. The “path” component can be changed at any time on the System
Settings page (→ P. 35)
The various settings on the VB150 are specified by using a browser to access Web pages on the
VB150. You begin by accessing the Settings Title Page.
Settings Title Page
You are now asked for your user
name and password. In the factory
default settings, the user name is
"root" and the password is "VB150".
Enter these settings. These can also
be changed on the System Settings
page. (→ P.35)
The Setting Title Page appears.