E-mail Notification Settings dialog box
When pictures have been recorded, you can send the recorded picture and data in
an e-mail. Settings for sending mail messages are performed in the E-mail Notification
Settings dialog box.
Select E-mail Notifications Settings from Tools in the menu bar in the Motion Detection
Setting screen or External Device Input Setting screen and the dialog box appears.
q Type of Notification
Select a notification setting from “Text only” or “Text and recorded picture”.
w Subject (up to 31 characters)
Enter the subject of the e-mail.
e Text (up to 255 characters)
Enter the text of the e-mail (text) in the text. The list of parameters below using the percentage
symbol (%) can be included in the text of a “Text and recorded pictures” message.
Schedule Setting Tool
Reason for shot (number)
1 (external device input 1), 2 (external device input 2), 129 (Motion detection)
Reason for shot (text) “External Device Input Name”
(“External Device Input 1/2” if omitted), Motion detection
Description Values
* For undefined characters, the '%' is deleted.
* With the exception of %t, %q and %%, you cannot use the same parameter multiple times on the same line.
(The parameter including '%' is ignored from the second instance onwards.)
Image width No. of horizontal pixels%X
Image height No. of vertical pixels%Y
Video quality 10-100%Q
Camera number 1-2%C
Camera name “Camera Name” setting%D
Zoom position 0.1 ~ 300%Z
Camera server VB-C50i%V
Year of shot 2000-2038%y
Month of shot 1-12%m
Date of shot 1-31%d
Day of shot 0-6 (correspond to Sun. to Sat.)%w
Hour of shot 00-23%H
Minute of shot 00-59%M
Second of shot 00-59%S
Time zone of shot -1200 to +1200%z
Weekday of shot Sun, Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat%a
Name of month of shot Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec%b