Using the Picture Recording Function
Because downloaded images and audio are collected and saved in the proprietary
format used for file management by the VBCollector Image Viewer, deleting individual
data may not reduce the amount of disk space taken up by downloaded images and
audio. Selecting and deleting a large quantity of data from the list may also take
some time. For this reason, we recommend that you delete downloaded image and
audio data in units of one or more folders.
2. Specify the folder containing the files to be
3. A folder with the specified name is created
inside “Folder” in the folder tree display area
and the files in the folder can then be
You can hide a folder selected from the folder tree by
right-clicking the folder and choosing “Hide Folder”
from the menu that appears. This does not delete the
files in the folder.
Deleting Data
Use the procedure below to delete downloaded data and data in folders.
To Delete Data...
1. Select the folder containing the files to be
deleted in the folder tree display area and
then click the “Delete Data” button or choose
“Delete” from the “File” menu bar.
2. Click “Yes” in the confirmation dialog box to
delete the files.
Using VBCollector
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