
Corporate Headquarter: 16381 Cherokee Road Brooksville, Florida 34601 352-796-2693
Factory: 21B Squires St. Cortland, NY 13045 607-428-0627
Return Authorizations
All units returned to VENDAPIN LLC must be shipped with a return authorization number (RA#)
affixed to the outside of the shipping container and addressed to:
Technical Service Department
21B Squires St
Cortland, New York 13045
VENDAPIN LLC reserves the right to refuse any incoming shipment not marked with an RA#
on the outside of the shipping container.
VENDAPIN LLC will issue a Return Authorization Number upon receiving a written request at the
above address or a request by phone at +1.607.428.0627 (customers should ask for the Technical Service
Hotline). Please provide the model number and serial number of the unit or the unit that contained
the component(s) you wish to return.
For non-warranty service, please be prepared to supply a purchase order, VISA, MasterCard or
American Express authorization, or make other payment arrangements as required. Within the
continental United States, you may request that your serviced unit be returned to you on a C.O.D. basis.
Sales: 352-796-2693
Service: 352-678-3021
© 1999-2008 VENDAPIN LLC. All rights reserved.
Printed in the U.S.A.