5. Making Coffee
Please follow the steps described in
chapter 4.
Stainless Steel Thermal Carafe:
When you use the thermal carafe for
filling the water tank, the inside of the
carafe will be cold from the cold water.
We highly recommend removing the
water tank and filling it directly. If you
fill the water tank from the carafe we
suggest rinsing the carafe with hot
water. This will increase the coffee
temperature and will keep the coffee
hot longer
5a. Using the GoldTone Filter
A size 4 GoldTone filter comes with
the machine. It sits in the Filter Holder.
Attention: Coffee flows slower through
a GoldTone Filter than through paper
filters. Please see the chart in chapter
5c for maximum coffee amounts.
5b. Using Filter Paper
Use size 4 paper only. Always fold the
bottom and side crimps over for a
proper fit (see Fig. 5). Do not use a
filter paper inside a GoldTone Filter!
5c. How Much Coffee?
A coffee scoop comes with your coffee
maker. We recommend using one
level scoop of coffee per cup. If you
like your coffee extremely strong
never use more coffee than the
amounts indicated in the chart shown.
Using more coffee can result in an
overflow of ground coffee, above the
filter, blocking the drip stop function
and causing a mess on your counter.
5d. Using the Stainless Steel Carafe
For best coffee temperature pre-warm
the carafe by rinsing it with hot water.
Always make sure carafe is completely
empty. Place the lid on top of the carafe
as shown in Fig. 8 (pay attention to
the position of the black dot on the
lid) and turn clockwise until the lid
cannot be turned anymore and the
dot points towards the handle (Fig. 9).
This is the brewing position.
Caution: Make sure the lid is not in the
pouring position (Fig.10). This could
result in the Filter Holder popping up.
The drip stop will not work and hot
coffee could overflow from the filter
Attention: Please note that the lid must
always be on the carafe and closed
(Fig. 9) during brewing to activate the
drip stop. If you lose the lid, you
cannot brew coffee. Please call
1-800-767-3554 to order a new lid or
order online at: www.capresso.com.
5e. Turning the Coffee Maker On
Push the On/Off button (Fig. 2, L). The
red light will illuminate, indicating that
the brewing process is starting.
Caution: Never push the Filter Release
Button during brewing (Fig. 1, B).
5f. Serving Coffee
Brewing time for a full pot of coffee
takes just about 9 minutes. When all
the water is passed through, the red
indicator light remains on for approx.
two minutes then turns off. The
machine is now off. Remove the
carafe from the platform. Turn the lid
counterclockwise 180 degrees until
until the black dot is over the pouring
spout (Fig. 10). You can now pour
coffee. After serving make sure to
close the lid again to prevent heat
from escaping from the carafe.
It is extremely important that the
carafe lid is in the correct position
when brewing and when pouring.
Please refer to Fig. 9 and Fig. 10 for
correct positioning of carafe lid.
Maximum #
of Scoops
Regular or Drip
Fine Grind (finer
than Drip Grind)
Size 4
Paper Filter