
Align the aileron control horn Using
the line you drew earlier for the
pushrod slot. Mark the location of
the holes and drill two 5/64” holes.
Install the horn with two 2mmx20mm
screws and the nylon plate on top.
Locate one of the 2mm pushrods
with clevis. install the silicone keep-
er over the clevis and attach to the
control horn. With the aileron cen-
tered and the aileron servo cen-
tered, mark the location of the bend
over the output hole in the servo arm.
Bend at 90 degrees and cut off at
3/8”. The servo arm will need to be
drilled with the 5/64” drill. Install
the pushrod through the servo arm
and retain with a nylon snap-r-keep-
er. Repeat for the other aileron.
Mount the switch for the radio just
behind the radio compartment open-
ing on the left side of the plane.