Connect Rupture Disc Piping — Vent rupture disc
to the outside of the building for safety. Model 16DF ma-
chines sometimes are factory equipped with a rupture disc
assembly on the generator-vapor transfer area.
1. Add a flexible connection and adequate support to pipe,
as required, to eliminate any piping stress on rupture disc.
Provide fittings so vent piping can be disconnected pe-
riodically for inspection of disc. Provide pipe plug on out-
let side of relief device for leak testing.
2. Cover outdoor vent with a rain cap to prevent excessive
moisture from entering the vent line.
3. Place a condensate drain at the low point in the piping to
prevent any water build-up on the atmospheric side of
the disc assembly.
Connect Fuel Piping — Connect fuel lines to burner
fuel system and install separate fuel fittings using job data,
piping drawings, and general guidelines found in the burner
manual supplied by the burner manufacturer. Installation re-
quirements will vary for local building and insurance codes,
and for different application conditions.
Do not use Teflon Tape as an oil or gas pipe sealant.
Tape can cause valves to fail, creating a safety hazard.
Use a pipe joint compound.
1. Use a full size dirt pocket or trap in gas piping ahead of
the main manual shutoff.
2. Piping must be sized to provide the minimum specified
oil or gas pressure at the main manual shutoff when op-
erating at the maximum input.
3. A 2-pipe system with suction and return lines must be
used for oil burners, and the lines should be run in a trench
or under the floor when possible. Copper tubing with flare
fittings should be used for oil lines.
4. Hand valves must not be installed on discharge side of oil
pump or return line without a bypass relief installed to
the tank. An oil shut-off valve should be provided in the
suction line near the burner.
5. Oil suction lines should be pitched back slightly to the
tank and care should be taken to avoid any air traps in the
6. The fuel system must be pressure tested with air or inert
gas and proven leak tight. Gas systems should be tested
for at least 3 times the gas pressure that will be used.
Connect Exhaust Duct — Connect combustion ex-
haust ducting using job data and piping drawings. Systems
will vary for different application conditions.
1. Sharp bends and restrictions should be avoided to allow
smooth gas flow.
2. The outlet should be arranged to prevent rainwater entry
into the machine exhaust, and drains should be provided
to remove condensate or water.
3. Exhaust gas dampers and draft regulators must be in-
stalled correctly for proper operation.
Insulation (If Required) —
Apply insulation as in-
dicated in job data, after machine assembly and field piping
have been completed. If shipping vacuum or pressure test
indicate possible leakage, do not apply insulation until leak
has been corrected.
Most of the machine surfaces become hot during the heat-
ing cycle and those areas should be insulated with heat-
resistant material. High-temperature, fire resistant material
should be used in areas near the burner, refractory door, and
exhaust. All wiring should be external to the finished insu-
lation. The insulation should be applied so all flanged serv-
ice connections can be easily opened, and all valves, con-
trols, and sensor locations should be easily accessible.
Final Paint Coat (If Required) — Paint machine as
indicated in job data, after installation assembly, leak test-
ing, and insulation have been completed. Use specified paint,
making sure only high-temperature paint is applied to areas
with hot surfaces.
Field wiring must be installed in accordance with job and
machine/burner wiring diagrams, and all applicable electri-
cal codes.
Check Available Power Supply and Safety-
Interlocks —
Available power supply and safety inter-
locks must match the machine equipment. Job voltage, am-
perage, and values are stated on the machine and burner wiring
Machine Control Panel External Wiring — All
machine sensors and controls are factory installed. External
field wiring connections to machine control panel wiring ter-
minals include:
• three-phase power supply
• control start/stop interlocks for chilled/hot water pump(s),
cooling water pump(s), and cooling tower fan(s)
• high-temperature generator sensors on machines shipped
in 2 pieces
• remote start/stop (when used)
• remote status indicators (when used)
Burner Control Panel Wiring — Field wiring con-
nections between wiring terminals in the machine and burner
control panels include:
• three-phase blower motor and oil pump motor power sup-
• burner control power supply and burner start/stop signal
• open/close signals for firing rate positioning motor
• burner alarm and firing rate limit position signals for machine/
burner vs chiller heater microprocessor controls
There are also field wiring connections between the high-
stage generator’s low-level probe and its relay contacts in
the burner control panel, and between the burner control panel
and the fuel line connector box.
Lithium bromide solution and refrigerant (water) will be
placed in the machine at initial start-up. Do not charge so-
lution into the machine until the unit is ready for operation.
Do not start any pump motors until the machine has been
charged with solution and refrigerant. The hermetic pumps
can be seriously damaged by dry operations.
Refer to 16DF Start-up, Operation, and Maintenance In-
structions for charging procedures.
Copyright 1992 Carrier Corporation
Manufacturer reserves the right to discontinue, or change at any time, specifications or designs without notice and without incurring obligations.
Book 2
Tab 5b
PC 211 Catalog No. 531-602 Printed in U.S.A. Form 16DF-1SI Pg 12 3-92 Replaces: New