
Field Service Test mode has the following changes from
normal operation:
S Outdoor air temperature limits for cooling circuits,
economizer, and heating are ignored.
S Normal compressor time guards and other staging delays
are ignored.
S The status of Alarms (except Fire and Safety chain) is
ignored but all alerts and alarms are still broadcasted on
the network.
Field Service Test can be turned ON/OFF at the unit
display or from the network. Once t urned ON, other
entries may be made with the display or through t he
network. To turn Field Service Test on, change the value
of Test Mode to ON, to turn Field Servi ce Test off, change
the value of Test Mode to OFF.
NOTE: Service Test mode is password protected when
accessing from the display. Depending on the unit model,
factory--installed options, and field--installed accessories,
some of the Field Service Test functions may not apply.
The independent outputs (IndpOutputs) submenu is used
to change output status for the supply fan, economi zer,
and Power Exhaust. These independent outputs can
operate simultaneously with other Field Service Test
modes. All outputs return to normal operation when Field
Service Test is turned off.
The Cooling submenu is used to change output status for
the individual compressors and the dehumidification relay.
Compressor starts are not staggered. The fans and heating
service test outputs are reset to OFF for the cooling
service test. Indoor fans and outdoor fans are controlled
normally to maintain proper unit operation. All normal
cooling alarms and alerts are functional.
NOTE: Circuit A is always operated with Circuit B due
to outdoor fan control on Circuit A. Always test Circuit A
first, and leave it on to test other Circuits.
The Heating submenu is used to change output status for
the individual heat stages, gas or electric. The fans and
cooling service test outputs are reset to OFF for the
heating service test. All normal heating alarms and alerts
are functional.
The RTU--MP controller configuration points affect the
unit operation and/or control . Review and understand the
meaning and purpose of each configuration point before
changing it from the factory default value. The submenus
containing configuration points are as foll ows: Unit,
Cooling, Heating, Inputs, Economizer, IAQ, Clock--Set,
and User Password (USERPW). Eac h configuration point
is described below under its according submenu. See
RTU--MP Controls, Start--Up, Operation, and
Troubleshooting Instructions (Form 48--50H--T--2T),
Appendix for display tables.
Start Delay
This refers to the time delay the unit will wait after power
up before it pursues any specific opera tion.
Factory Default = 5 sec
Range = 0--600 sec
Filter Service Hours
This refers to the timer set for the Dirty Filter Alarm.
After the number of runtime hours set on this point is
exceeded the corresponding alarm will be generated, and
must be manually cleared on the alarm reset screen after
the maintenance has been completed. The timer will then
begin counting its runtime again for the next maintenance
Factory Default = 600 hr
NOTE: Setting this configuration timer to 0, disables the
Supply Fan Service Hours
This refers to the timer set for the Supply Fan Runtime
Alarm. After the number of runtime hours set on this point
is exceeded the corresponding alarm will be generated,
and must be manually cleared on the alarm reset screen
after the maintenance has been completed. The timer will
then begin c ounting its runtime again for the next
maintenanc e interval.
Factory Default = 0 hr
NOTE: Setting this configuration timer to 0, disables the
Compressor1 Service Hours
This refers to the timer set for the Compressor 1 Runtime
Alarm. After the number of runtime hours set on this point
is exceeded the corresponding alarm will be generated,
and must be manually cleared on the alarm reset screen
after the maintenance has been completed. The timer will
then begin c ounting its runtime again for the next
maintenanc e interval. Factory Default = 0 hr
NOTE: Setting this configuration timer to 0, disables the
Compressor2 Service Hours
This refers to the timer set for the Compressor 2 Runtime
Alarm. After the number of hours set on this point is
exceeded the corresponding alarm will be generated, and
must be manually cleared on the alarm re st screen after
the maintenance has been completed. The timer will then
begin counting its runtime again for the next maintenance
Factory Default = 0 hr
NOTE: Setting this configuration timer to 0, disables the
Number of Compressor Stages
This refers to the number of mechanical cooling stages
avai lable on a specific unit. Set this point to “One Stage”
if there is one compressor in the specific unit, set to “Two
Stage” if there are two compressors in the unit, and set to
“None” if economizer cooling ONLY is desired.
Factory Default = One Stage for 1 compressor units
Two Stage for 2 compressor units