
4. Observe operation of furnace for several minutes or until fault occurs. 5
5. Does fault occur again? 96
6. Does a different fault occur? 78
7. Go to page number indicated in Index for fault code flashed. INDEX
8. Go to page number indicated in Index for CLEANUP AND START-UP INSTRUCTIONS. INDEX
9. Is collector box and inducer housing properly draining condensate? 11 25
10. Fix problem. —— 8
11. Are pressure switches wired correctly? 13 10
12. Replace pressure switch assembly. 8
Do you have 24v between C (Common) on low-pressure switch LPS and Com on furnace control
15 14
The YELLOW wire to low-pressure switch LPS is not making good connection. Repair wire or re-
place harness.
—— 8
Turn power off and disconnect jumper wire across R, W/W1, and W2 thermostat terminals. Turn
power on and wait a few sec for self test, then reconnect jumper across R, W/W1, and W2 thermo-
stat terminals.
—— 16
Do you have 24v between connector terminal PL2-2 and Com on furnace control board when fault
21 18
17. Replace furnace control board. —— 8
18. Turn power off. —— 19
Do you have continuity across terminal PL2-2 and N.O. (Normally Open) contact on low-pressure
switch LPS?
12 20
The ORANGE wire from low-pressure switch LPS to furnace control board is not making good con-
nection or low gas pressure switch LGPS (when used) is open. Check propane line pressure if us-
ing LGPS otherwise repair wire or replace harness.
—— 10
Turn power off and disconnect jumper wire across R, W/W1, and W2 thermostat terminals. Discon-
nect BROWN wire from N.O. (Normally Open) contact on high-pressure switch HPS. Turn power on
and wait a few sec for self test, then reconnect jumper across R and W/W1 thermostat terminals.
—— 22
22. Does a Fault Code 32 occur? 17 23
23. Reconnect BROWN wire to N.O. (Normally Open) contact on high-pressure switch HPS. 24
The problem may be caused by a sag in vent pipe. If this is not the problem and fault still occurs,
replace pressure switch assembly.
—— 8
25. The vent tube to drain trap, drain trap, or drain line is clogged. 10