- continuedfrompage7
Wire nut the blackwire to the matching
circuit lead wire from the emergency
circuit breakerfrom load centerin the
transferswitch.(Allcircuit wiresarecolor
coded and labeled for easy
identification). UL approved wire
Iocknutsare includedininstallationkit.
Tracethe black (hot)wireyou havejust
connectedbackto the sameRomexcable(circuit)tofind itsmating
onthe white (neutral)wire comingfromthe emergencyloadcenter.
Repeatthis processwith remainingcircuits to be poweredby the
NOTE:Bothgroundedandungroundedconductorsfor eachcircuit
mustbe reconnectedtothe emergencyloadcenterwiringusing
Thechartbelowshowsthe circuitsprovidedin the loadcenter.
'llm[']L l_,J l,_v ,.i,_vl i_,_rlvl i['_iv
1 1 1
1 1 1
1 1 1
1 3 3 5 5
5 3 5 5 5
NOTE:Circuitsto be movedmustbe protectedby same size
breaker.Forexample,a 15Ampcircuitinmainpanelmustbea 15
13b.Installthe40 Ampor70Ampdoublepole
circuit breakerthat you have purchased
(Seedetailon page6) intomainelectrical
distribution panel. This circuit breaker
must be compatiblewith your main
electricaldistributionpanel.It maybe
necessaryto repositionremainingcircuit
breakersor removecircuit breakersthat
havebeendisconnectedtoaccommodatethe insertionof the 40Amp
or70Ampdoublepolecircuitbreaker.Connectwhitewireto themain
distributionpanelneutral bar.Connectgreenwireto main electrical
panelgroundbar.Connecttheblackandredwirestothe40 Ampor
70Ampdoublepolecircuit breaker.
14. Recommendedbatteryis automotivetype
Group 26 12V negative ground with
minimum350 CCAat 0° F (7 kW)or a
minimum525CgAat 0° F(10kW,13kW
and 16 kW).Thehold down clamp is
included. Connectpositive (+) (red)
cable to positive (+) battery post.
Connect negative (-) (black) ground
cableto negative(-) batterypost.
WARNINGSetthegenerator'sAUTO/ OFF/ MANUALswitchto"OFF."
Turnoffutilitypowersupplyto thetransferswitch.If the AUTO/
OFF! MANUALswitchisnotsetto its"OFF"position,thegenerator
cancrankandstartassoonasthe batterycablesare connected.
WARNINGIf theutilitypowersupplyisnotturnedoff,sparkingcan
occurat thebatterypostsandcausean explosion.
NOTE:Dielectricgreaseshouldbe usedonbatterypoststo aidin
the preventionof corrosion.
NOTE:In areas wheretemperaturesregularlyfall below10° F
(-12° O) it is recommendedthat a padtype batteryheater be
installedtoaid incoldclimatestarting.
Switchservicemaincircuit breakerto "on" orclosedposition.Switch
the circuit breakersintheemergencydistributionpaneltothe"on"or
closedposition.Switchthe generatormainlinecircuit breakertothe
"on" orclosedposition.Verifythat the40 Ampor70Ampdoublepole
circuit breakerthat was insertedin the main electricaldistribution
panelis switchedtothe"on"orclosedposition.Placegeneratormode
switch in the "AUTO"position.Verifythat fuel valveon rigid gas
piping isopen. Performstepsin Sections2.1through2.5 of the
Installation& Owner'sManualpriorto testingthesystem.
Switchservicemain circuit breakerto "off" or open position.This
simulatesthe lossof utility power.Thegeneratorshouldcrankand
start within 20 seconds. Loadtransfer shouldoccur within 10
secondsof generatorstart. To return systemto automatic mode,
switchservicemainbreakerto"on" orclosedposition.Thissimulates
the returnof powerfromtheutility.Thegeneratorwill runfor a short
cooldownperiodof severalminuteswhilethe entire systemstands
readyfor the nextpoweroutage.
NOTE:Whenutilityvoltagesourceis lostbythe generator,the
17. A switch on the control
panel allowsyou to select
the day and time for the
systemto exercise.Toselect
a time and dayof the week
you must perform the ExerciserSwitch
following sequenceat that time. Verifythat the Auto/Off/Manual
switchis setto "AUTO'.'
Holddownthe "Set Exercise]]me" switchuntil the generatorstarts
(approximately10seconds)andrelease.Thegeneratorwill startand
runfor approximatelytwelveminutesandthenshutdownon itsown.
Thegeneratorisnowsetto exerciseonthat dayandat that timeevery
week. If thebatteryis disconnectedfor anyreasontheexercisetime
mustbereset.NOTE:Untilthe exerciserisset,all thered LED'swill
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