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PC 111 Catalog No. 534-80096 Printed in U.S.A. Form 48/50HG-19SI Pg 8 2-02 Replaces: 48/50HG-17SI
Tab 1a1b6a6b
Copyright 2002 Carrier Corporation
Standby, Alarm and Sensitivity Tests —
The cov-
er of the smoke detector must be removed to perform these
Standby — Look for presence of flashing green LED.
The LED should flash approximately every
10 seconds.
Trouble — If the detector LED does not flash, then the detec-
tor lacks power (check TB4), the detector board is
missing (replace), the cover has been missing or
not secured properly for more than 20 minutes
(secure cover properly), or the unit is defective
(return for repair).
Test — The trouble condition can be caused intentionally
to verify correct operation of the system. Remove
the detector board to cause an alarm.
Tamper — If the cover is removed or not properly secured for
a period longer than 20 minutes, a trouble signal is
generated to indicate the cover is missing.
Magnet Test
1. Place the painted surface of the magnet onto the TEST
locator on the bottom of the housing.
2. The red alarm LED on the detector should switch on.
Verify system control panel alarm status and control
panel execution of all intended auxiliary functions
(i.e., fan shutdown, damper control, etc.).
3. The detector must be reset by the front cover reset button.
SENSITIVITY TEST — After verification of alarm capabili-
ty, use a field-supplied voltmeter to check detector sensitivity.
The housing cover must be removed to perform this test. If
readings indicate that the detector head is outside of the accept-
able range that is printed on the label of the detector, the detec-
tor chamber requires cleaning.