Operation Guide 5351
To perform a countdown timer operation
Start Stop Zero Reset
• A time-up alert sounds for 10 seconds when the countdown reaches 0, and then
the timer displays the start time.
• The alarm will not sound if battery power is low.
• Pulling out the crown while a countdown is in progress will stop the countdown and
enter the countdown start time setting mode.
• Time calibration signal reception is disabled while the watch is in the Countdown
Timer Mode.
To stop the alarm
Press any button.
Using the Alarm
When the alarm is turned on, an alarm will sound for about 10 seconds each day
when the time in the Timekeeping Mode reaches the preset alarm time. This is true
even if the watch is not in the Timekeeping Mode.
Hands and Indicators
z Hour Hand: Indicates the currently set alarm time hour.
x Second Hand: Indicates the current alarm ON/OFF
c Minute Hand: Indicates the currently set alarm time
v Upper Dial Hand: Indicates the hour setting of the
current alarm time in 24-hour format.
b Lower Dial Hand: Points to AL.
+ > @
To change the alarm time setting
1. In the Timekeeping Mode, press C four times to enter the Alarm Mode.
• The b
Lower Dial hand will move to AL.
2. Pull out the crown to enter the alarm setting mode.
• If you do not perform any operation with the crown for about two minutes after
pulling it out, crown operations will become disabled and the watch hands will no
longer move when you rotate the crown. If this happens, push the crown back in
and then pull it out again.
• You can toggle between the hour and minute setting mode, and the hour only
setting mode by pressing C.
3. Rotate the crown to set the alarm time.
• The z
Hour Hand will also move.
• See “Crown Operations” (page E-3) for information about high-speed hand
4. Press C to switch to the hour setting mode.
• The z
Hour Hand will move slightly left and right to indicate the z Hour Hand
setting mode.
• Check the 24-hour time indicated by the v
Upper Dial Hand to see if the current
setting is a.m. or p.m.
5. Rotate the crown to adjust the hour setting only.
• See “Crown Operations” (page E-3) for information about high-speed hand
6. After the setting is the way you want, push the crown back in to exit the alarm
setting mode.
• The alarm always works based on the time kept in the Timekeeping Mode.
• The watch will return to the Timekeeping Mode automatically if you do not
perform any operation in the Alarm Mode for about two or three minutes.
To turn the alarm on or off
In the Alarm Mode, press A to toggle the alarm between on and off. The x
Hand will indicate the current ON/OFF setting.
• The alarm will not sound if battery power is low.
• The alarm will not sound if the watch is in the Power Saving sleep state.
To stop the alarm
Press any button.
Adjusting Home Positions
Strong magnetism or impact can cause the hands and/or day setting to be off, even if
the watch is able to perform the signal receive operation.
Auto Home Position Adjustment
Auto correction of hand home positions corrects the hand position automatically.
• Auto correction is performed in the Timekeeping Mode only.
• Auto correction corrects the positions of all hands. For the n
Day Indicator, you
must perform the manual adjustment procedure under “To adjust home positions
manually” (page E-67).
• If the v
Upper Dial Hand is 12 hours off of the current correct time, correct the
setting using the procedure under “To adjust home positions manually” (page E-67).
• Auto correction of the b
Lower Dial Hand is performed once a day in the middle of
the night, while the watch is in the sleep state (page E-20).
Manual Home Position Adjustment
Perform the procedure in this section if auto home position adjustment is not possible
for some reason.
• Hand home position adjustment is not required if the time and day settings are
• Any time after you enter the home position adjustment mode in step 2 of the
following procedure, you can return to the Timekeeping Mode by pushing the
crown back in. In this case, any adjustments you made before the watch returned
to the Timekeeping Mode will be applied.
• If you do not perform any operation with the crown for about two minutes after
pulling it out, crown operations will become disabled and hands will not move when
you rotate the crown. If this happens, push the crown back in and then pull it out
To adjust home positions manually
1. Hold down C at least two seconds to enter the
Timekeeping Mode.
2. Pull out the crown.
3. Keep B depressed for more than seven seconds.
This will cause the x
Second Hand to perform one full
• After about two seconds, the x
Second Hand will
move to 12 o’clock. After about seven seconds,
the x
Second Hand will start performing one full
revolution. Keep B depressed until the x
Hand completes one full revolution.
• After the x
Second Hand completes its full revolution,
release B. When you do, home position adjustment
of all of the hands (but not the n
Day Indicator) will
start automatically.
6. Push the crown back in to return to the Timekeeping Mode.
• This will cause the hands to return to their normal positions and resume regular
timekeeping. Wait until everything stops moving before performing any other
• Home position adjustment is complete when all hands are at 12 o’clock.
• If the v
Upper Dial Hand is not pointing at 24, which is its home position, hold
down A for about two seconds to move it there.
• To exit the home position adjustment operation and return to the Timekeeping
Mode, push the crown back in.
4. Press C.
• This enters the n
Day Indicator home position
adjustment mode.
5. Check the n
Day Indicator to confi rm that it is 1, which
is its home position.
• If the 1 is not in the center of the n
Day Indicator,
rotate the crown to center it.
• Rotating the crown three full consecutive turns
clockwise will cause the n
Day Indicator to start
changing in a forward direction (increment).
• To stop n
Day Indicator movement, press any button.