Previewing Images Recorded with High Speed
Continuous Shutter or Auto Bracketing
You can preview all of the images recorded by a high
speed continuous shutter (page 102) or auto bracketing
(page 105) operation.
To view current preview buffer contents
after recording multiple images
In a REC mode after
recording with high
speed continuous
shutter or auto
bracketing, press
[PREVIEW] to display
the current contents of
the preview buffer.
• This displays all of the
images in the preview
buffer. The currently
selected image is the
one with the selection
boundary around it.
Images recorded using the
high speed continuous
shutter mode
• This screen does not appear if the recording
operation recorded only one image.
Use [̆], [̄], [̇], and [̈] to move the
selection boundary to the image you want to
view, and then press [SET] to display it.
• This displays the image with an indicator (like “ ”)
that shows the recording method used, along with a
value indicating the image number in the series.
After displaying an image, use [̇] and [̈] to
scroll between images.
Press [PREVIEW] again to return to the REC
mode screen.