Using a Rhythm Variation....................... E-35
Using a Fill-in Pattern with a Variation
Rhythm ................................................... E-35
Synchro Starting Accompaniment with
Rhythm Play ........................................... E-35
Finishing with an Ending Pattern ........... E-36
Using One-touch Preset ......................... E-36
Registration Memory .......... E-37
Registration Memory Features ............... E-37
To Save a Setup in Registration
Memory .................................................. E-38
To Recall a Setup from Registration
Memory .................................................. E-38
Recording and Play Back ... E-39
Parts and Tracks .................................... E-39
Recording Play Along with a
Built-in Tune ........................................... E-40
Playing Back a Lesson Recording ......... E-41
Recording a Performance ...................... E-41
Playing Back a Performance
Recording ............................................... E-43
Overdubbing a Performance
Recording ............................................... E-44
Deleting a Specific Part/Track ................ E-44
Keyboard Settings .............. E-45
Using Layer ............................................ E-45
Using Split .............................................. E-45
Using Layer and Split Together .............. E-46
Transposing the Keyboard ..................... E-47
Adjusting Accompaniment and
Song Bank Volume ................................ E-47
Using Touch Response .......................... E-48
Tuning the Keyboard .............................. E-48
Connection to a
Computer ............................. E-49
Connecting to a Computer ..................... E-49
Expanding the Selections in the
Song Bank Tunes ................................... E-50
Using the SMF Data on the Bundled
CD-ROM ................................................ E-51
General MIDI Tone ................................. E-51
Changing the Settings ............................ E-51
Troubleshooting .................. E-54
Specifications ...................... E-56
Operating Precautions........ E-57
Appendix ................................ A-1
Tone List ................................................... A-1
Drum Assignment List .............................. A-5
FINGERED Chord Chart .......................... A-7
Rhythm List .............................................. A-8
Song List .................................................. A-9
MIDI messages that can be sent
and received using the USB port