Barry Kissane
To generate values for areas between two values of a normal probability distribution
with mean M and standard deviation S.
Enter the mean and standard deviation, each followed by . (For the standard
normal (z) distribution, enter M = 0 and S = 1.)
Then enter the lower value and the upper value, each followed by . The probability
that the normal random variable will have a value between these two is then printed,
correct to four decimal places.
Press to enter another pair of lower and upper values for the same distribution.
To find probabilities associated with a different normal distribution, press and then
start the program again.
Test the program by inputting values of -1 and 2 to find Pr (-1 < z < 2) = 0.8186.
The program can be made faster (but less accurate) by changing the fourth line. For
example, changing it to
will make it faster, but a little less accurate. Increasing N will, of course, make it more
accurate but slower.