k Matrix Cell Operations
Use the following procedure to prepare a matrix for cell operations.
1. While the Matrix Editor is on the display, use f and c to highlight the name of the
matrix you want to use.
You can jump to a specifi c matrix by inputting the letter that corresponds to the matrix
name. Inputting ai(N), for example, jumps to Mat N.
Pressing !-(Ans) jumps to the Matrix current Memory.
2. Press w and the function menu with the following items appears.
• {R-OP} ... {row operation menu}
• {ROW}
• {DEL}/{INS}/{ADD} ... row {delete}/{insert}/{add}
• {COL}
• {DEL}/{INS}/{ADD} ... column {delete}/{insert}/{add}
• {EDIT} ... {cell editing screen}
All of the following examples use Matrix A.
u Row Calculations
The following menu appears whenever you press 1(R-OP) while a recalled matrix is on the
• {Swap} ... {row swap}
• { × Rw} ... {product of specifi ed row and scalar}
• { × Rw+} ... {addition of one row and the product of a specifi ed row with a scalar}
• {Rw+} ... {addition of specifi ed row to another row}
u To swap two rows
Example To swap rows two and three of the following matrix :
Matrix A =
1 2
3 4
5 6
Input the number of the rows you want to swap.
6(EXE) (or w)
Matrix Calculations