For this graph
Causes this to happen:
NPPlot, Pie,
On The color specified for the list data is reflected in the graph.
Off List data color specifications are ignored.
Hist, Broken X&Freq Colors specified for both the XList and Frequency data list
are reflected in the graph.
• When the same lines of the XList and Frequency data list
are the same color, the graph is drawn using that color.
• When the same lines of the XList and Frequency data
list are the different colors, plot marks and lines are
represented as described below.
Hist: Graph is shaded with the applicable color.
Broken: Graph plot marks are shown as and lines are
drawn in black.
OnlyX The color specified for only the XList data is reflected in the
Off List data color specifications are ignored.
Example: Scatter graph when “OnlyX” is selected for the Color Link setting
List Editor display
(XList:List 1, YList:List 2)
Color Link: OnlyX
(scatter graph)
• Graph Color
• {Black}/{Blue}/{Red}/{Magenta}/{Green}/{Cyan}/{Yellow} ... Specifies a single color as the
graph color
Example: Scatter graph when {Red} is specified for Graph