Working with Animations
When you want to do
Perform this procedure:
Specify the number of
steps to be used as
point E travels along line
segment AB
1. Use c and f to move the highlighting on the Edit
Animations screen to “Steps” and then press 1(Step).
2. On the dialog box that appears, input an integer from 2
through 100 and then press w.
Specify the start point
and the end point of the
movement of point E
along line segment AB
1. Use c and f to move the highlighting on the Edit
Animations screen to “t0”, which is located just under the
“E” of “Animations”.
2. Input a number from 0 to 1.
• t0 specifi es the start point for point E movement along
line segment AB. Inputting a value of 0 specifi es point
A as the start point, while a value of 1 specifi es point B.
Specifying 0.5 specifi es the center of line segment AB. A
value smaller than 0.5 shifts the start point towards point
A, while a larger values shift towards point B.
3. After specifying a value for t0, press w.
• This will highlight “t1”.
4. Input a value from 0 to 1 and then press w.
• t1 specifi es the end point for point E movement along line
segment AB. Inputting a value of 1 specifi es point B as the
end point, while a value of 0 specifi es point A.